Can a game of corn hole and some ice cream bring generations together? It’s definitely a great way to start, as we saw during Young Leaders Day Camp! Our Young Leaders made a trip to Christian Care Communities to volunteer with their ice cream social event. Christian Care Communities is a senior living community that strives to provide a vibrant quality of life for older adults.
When we arrived, the ice cream was not ready yet but they had several games of corn hole set up for us to play with their residents. One of our Patch members, “Amanda,” was invited by one of the residents to play on her team and Amanda was quick to show her enthusiasm. She jumped right into the game and that made the resident’s day. Then, while we were serving the ice cream, Amanda was again very exuberant to have the opportunity to serve.

Some of our teenage members of the Young Leaders program, with Board and staff members.
We think Amanda’s enthusiasm for helping others inspired the rest of the group of Young Leaders to be great volunteers for their community. While camp participants spent the rest of the week learning leadership skills, facing team challenges and motivating each other in a positive manner, Amanda served as a positive role model. We are thankful for individuals like Amanda who show their peers how to improve their community!