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(502) 634-0811 1413 S. Sixth St
Louisville, KY 40208
The Cabbage Patch Settlement House is a local, non-profit Christian organization.
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Myrrakal Shares Her Cabbage Patch Story

This year at The Delta Dental Cabbage Patch Annual Auction, College Scholar Myrrakal Crawley shared her courageous story. As an integral member of The Cabbage Patch, Myrrakal is a true inspiration to young people as they work to maximize their potential.

Read on for Myrrakal’s speech!

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Making History at the 2015 Annual Auction

When the time came to develop a theme for the 2015 Annual Auction, we looked to the success stories of our alumni for inspiration. Many Cabbage Patch members have made history in their families by becoming the first to go to college, the first to earn a degree…the first to show future generations what is possible. Where can history go from there? The accomplishment of just one person may seem small, but the influence can be enormous! It may inspire the first female President or the first cure for a disease. We make history by driving the message “you can!” home, one child at a time.

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You and The Cabbage Patch Have Changed Lives for the Better

“…there is a debt of gratitude to you all, from me and the other Cabbage Patch scholars. Together, you all and The Cabbage Patch have changed lives for the better and that is something truly remarkable. I speak for myself, as well as my colleagues, when I say we truly appreciate all that you have done for us, and that we still need your support to succeed. Thank you.” -Daron Peterson, 2014 Auction Speech

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