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(502) 634-0811 1413 S. Sixth St
Louisville, KY 40208
The Cabbage Patch Settlement House is a local, non-profit Christian organization.
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Executive Director Search

A Message on Succession Planning

We have made excellent progress toward identifying the next Executive Director of the Cabbage Patch as Tracy Holladay prepares to retire in 2020! With several interviews already conducted in July, we are ahead of schedule, and feel confident that we will meet our goal of making an offer in the fall. It’s clear that people know that The Patch is a great organization!...
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The Search is on! Do You Know Our Next Executive Director?

A Message from Bill Meyer, Cabbage Patch Board President: Since 1984, The Cabbage Patch has been guided with integrity, ambition and devotion by Executive Director Tracy Holladay. It is remarkable to have such longstanding leadership, and The Patch is fortunate to have a very strong foundation because of it. We are excited to report that this foundation will...
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